Radio Society of Great Britain

50 year pin

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Located one mile back from the cliff top SE of Lands End, this is the view to the SW and long path to ZL / VK. It's a superb radio site all round, with the horizon only obstructed for a few degrees to the N/NE.

The mast is 40 ft HD Versatower and carries antennas for all 9 HF bands. 160m is a 38ft top loaded Tee hung off the side of the mast. Mast is shunt fed for 80m. 40m & 30m are sloping 1/4wave wires from near the top of mast to head height with 2 radials on each. 20m > 10m bands are covered by a Tennadyne T6 which has survived in this exposed location since 2011.

Low bands Rx aerial is a K9AY 350ft away.

Rain static noise has plagued me all my working life as well as on the Ham bands. I've long held the view that rain static on a receiving aerial can be alleviated by using PVC covered wire - with the proviso that there are no metal structures within the immediate vicinity - its no good hanging pvc covered wire off a steel mast for instance.

A good example during heavy rain without lightning - 80m 27Aug20 - noise is s9+ on 80m shunt fed mast and non existant on K9AY rx antenna 150m distant.
Audio file here


I obtained the call sign G3XRJ in 1965 while studying to be a Radio Officer in the Merchant Navy. Joined Marconi Marine in 1966 and sailed on Shell Tankers
Hemifusus/MSDF Hemidonax/GPZW Hinea/GTXL Holospira/GVFK and Helisoma/GVST
Came ashore in 1970 and worked at Portishead Radio/GKA until 1974 when I moved back to my home location to work at Lands End Radio/GLD until 1998.
Amateur radio interest has always centred on 80m DX while keeping an ear on 160/40m, CW & SSB.

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